We are excited to be working with Caribou Gear Outdoor Equipment Company. Caribou Gear has developed a reputation in the hunting industry for producing the best game bags on the market. The idea was inspired on DIY hunting adventures in Alaska, where lighter, yet much higher quality game bags were required. Since then, Caribou Gear Game Bags have become the industry standard.
Now Caribou Gear Equipment Company is expanding its lineup of innovative products and building its own ecommerce platform at HuntingGearOutfitters.com.
In August of 2019, we began working with Caribou Gear to develop a content marketing plan that would help drive traffic from email and social media platforms, and engage customers on a consistent basis throughout the year.
Our ongoing work with Caribou Gear includes regular blog posts, published articles, email marketing and photography. In tandem with Caribou Gear’s social media efforts and influencer marketing, we are successfully building out the consumer facing side of the business.
To learn more about our content marketing strategies for the hunting, fishing and greater outdoor industry, please contact us. We would be happy to answer any questions and begin to develop a customized content marketing strategy.