Kawdy Outfitters is the premier outfitting operation in Northern British Columbia, with a long legacy of providing hunting for moose, mountain caribou, stone sheep, mountain goat and Grizzly. Founded by the legendary B.C. outfitter, Stan Lancaster, Kawdy is now owned and operated by Colin and Alisha Niemeyer.
Kawdy Outfitters is in the most remote part of British Columbia, just a stone’s throw from the Yukon border. Hunters arrive by float plane to one of Kawdy’s three remote base camps. From there, hunters usually strike out on horseback for an even more remote spike camp. With cabins scattered throughout the massive area, hunters enjoy surprisingly comfortable accommodations, given the remote nature of these adventures.
Kawdy partnered with Peak Outfitting in the spring of 2016. We implemented an aggressive content marketing strategy that included regular blog posts, publishing articles, email marketing and social media. We’ve seen tremendous growth on all fronts, translating to a flood of inquiries and solid bookings.
2016: 592
2017: 779
2018: 1,626
Year-Over-Year: +96%
Total Page Views per Month:
2016: 2,587
2017: 2,902
2018: 5,449
Year-Over-Year: +88%
Sessions per Month from Email:
2016: 121
2017: 153
2018: 287
Year-Over-Year: +88%
Instagram Update:
December 2017: 1,024 followers
December 2018: 1,494 followers
Year-Over-Year: +46%
Net avg. 39 new followers/month
2016: 405
2017: 561
2018: 1,130
Year-Over-Year: +101%
Sessions per Month from Google:
2016: 203
2017: 389
2018: 860
Year-Over-Year: +120%
Email Subscribers:
2017: 519
2018: 697
Net avg. 15 new subscribers /month
Year-Over-Year: +34%
Facebook Update:
December 2017: 1,260 followers
December 2018: 1,438 followers
Year-Over-Year: +14%
Net avg. 15 new followers/month